Okay, over a month with no updates... Wow, a lot to talk about. Personal-life wise: I had some relatives from Florida come visit, and my little cousin Jacob stayed after the others left and is living with us for the next week or so. Also, we went camping; I got horribly sunburned. We visited the action-figure museum in Paul's Valley-- that was really a disappointment for me. I was expecting an actual, you know, museum. Instead it was just a huge gallery. It was cool and all, but I don't think I actually learned anything. What else, what else.... Oh! My dad got a job! Every day he has a 120 mile round-trip commute, but he appears to be having fun! Also, I will be attending Oral Roberts University this fall; lots of fun...
As for creative updates...
1. Sorry! the movie has had some pick-up shots done, and is nearing completion. After over a year of work. And its only about six minutes long. Progress, real progress...
2. Pockett. After only 5 strips, it's going on hiatus. As you can see in the picture above, I'm converting it to a digital strip, but what all with college and relatives, I need more time. So, I'll be running a long-term filler strip: 'Obamanation.' This will be a wacky little series done with action figures. It will post on the Pockett website (Pockett.comicgenesis.com for all y'all newbies out there) and theoretically update every Wednesday, put probably more realistically every other Wednesday.
3. E.H.U.D. Progress, progress, progress. I might have mentioned this earlier, but after writing the detailed plot synopsis, I am going through and detailing it further. Much like an artist sets up the composition of a piece and roughs in volumes, then goes in and roughs out shapes, so I am doing. Every conversation has its twists and terns explored, every action sequence gets the blow-by-blow. After this synopsis, I should be able to start writing the actual book, and chapters will again be added, though this time with more find-able post names. And for those who don't want to read it because the already-posted synopsis has given away the story, fear not: A few major plot twists have entered in. As an interesting side note, when completed this new synopsis will be around the same length as the first draft, which was a full, rather long novella in its own right.
4. Customs. I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but the last week or so of June were consumed with working on a figure for a contest on Hisstank. It didn't win, but it certainly was good practise, pushing me beyond the normal swap'n'paint that I've been doing. I haven't posted it elsewhere yet, but that's because I need better pictures. Also, I'm thinking about repainting it, as it is something of a signature custom for me, and I want it to be perfect. Other than that, I have another figure done that I'm going to put up on the tank as soon as I get better pictures, and I have two or three long-term customs nearing completion. Really, I need to be working faster on these. Even the simple ones are taking me months to do. Oh, well...
Okay, and I thinks that's about it. If anyone has questions or comments, please post. To see my customs, either check out my profiles on figurerealm.com or hisstank.com, both under the user name Hrothmeir. Until next time, Hez out...
P.S. I have a lot of free time at work, and tend to fill that time by drafting virtual articles and treatises in my head, so in the coming weeks I will actually make an effort to get those thoughts down here in the real world. After all, the Internet hungers for content, and it must always be fed...
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