Okay, time yet again for a Pick of the Week...
This one was a hard one. I
really liked this figure. I thought the paint was good, the parts were good, it was a good rendition of the character... heck, it even had sculpted thighs to differentiate its parts from other figures with the same parts...
But then there was another figure. As a figure, it was... okay. It sufficed. It was not spectacular, nor was it particularly bad. But it didn't stand out. EXCEPT... oh, except: it had THE most amazing accessories. I'll go ahead and give credit where credit is do on it, check it out here: http://www.hisstank.com/forum/g-i-joe-customs-finished-projects/27692-4-sideshow-snake-eyes-finished.html But I could not in good conscience Pick it for the week. According to my personal standards of custom excellence... It was just sorta lacking. Except the accessories.
So instead the award goes to the figure featured in the photo above: Snake Eyes V2, by Hrothmeir... Wait, Hrothmeir... where have I heard that name before?
Yeah. You see my problem. I really
can't select this figure, because, well... Nepotism of the first degree. On the other hand, this award is meant to honor what I see as great customs, based on the merits of the actual work, not on any personal connection to the creator. So... If I picked someone's custom based on the person of the artist, that would be wrong. If I
didn't pick a custom based on the person of the artist, that would also be wrong. So in the end, I let objectivism (as well as advice from family and eventually the randomness of a coin toss [best three out of five, coin pre-tossed each time to determine final starting side]) decide, and based my pick solely on the qualities of the figure. Well, and a little on the accessories. Sometimes you can't separates a figure from its accessories (coats, helmets), but when all that a figure has going for it is the accessories,
So, that's it. My controversial little Pick of the Week. May God bless us all....
And I
really expect some discussion on this one...